

Status Message Error Decodings

HandleIdStatus MessageDescription
2QUEUEDThe default state when initially creating a transaction during the initial API call. This indicates that this transaction is waiting to be picked up by a background worker.
3PROCESSINGA background worker has started to process this transaction.
4FUNDINGAn auxiliary funding transaction is being initiated (this only applies to non-Ether transactions).
5FUNDEDAn auxiliary funding transaction was successful (this only applies to non-Ether transactions).
6BROADCASTINGThe transaction is being announced to the blockchain network nodes.
7BROADCASTEDThe transaction was successfully announced to the blockchain network nodes.
8PENDINGThe transaction is "pending" / "in the mempool", i.e. known to (some) blockchain network nodes, and awaiting inclusion/mining into a block.
9CONFIRMINGThe transaction was mined into a block, but not enough subsequent blocks have yet been mined to consider that transaction "safe" / confirmed.
10CONFIRMEDThe transaction was mined into a block and enough subsequent blocks have been mined to consider that transaction "safe" / confirmed.
11FAILEDThe transaction was mined into a block, but the execution of its smart contract code failed. Several reasons are possible, most notably "out of gas". The transaction is still included in a block because its gas is still awarded to the miner who attempted to execute it.
12REJECTEDThe transaction was mined into a block but was rejected during the execution of its smart contract code. Several reasons are possible, most notably Solidity's require() assertions not being satisfied. The transaction is still included in a block because it's gas is still awarded to the miner who attempted to execute it.
13UN-PROCESSABLEAn unrecoverable error occurred which prevents us from getting this transaction onto the blockchain. We have given up (or the customer requested us not to retry).
14RETRYINGA temporary/recoverable error occurred, and this transaction was re-queued as to try getting this transaction onto the blockchain at a later time. This state is more or less equivalent to QUEUED, but its name is more telling.